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Parent Engagement

Parent Engagement/Involvement Policy

The staff of Barbers Hill Early Childhood Center believes meeting the needs of individual students and involving parents in the instructional process are important in helping students succeed. In keeping with the brand of Excellence the Barbers Hill name carries, the purpose of this grant is to raise the bar by teaching parents to reinforce the practical things they can do to help ensure their children become strong readers and learners. We will involve the caregivers of children so the adult family members can gain a deeper understanding of the importance of their role in the education of their children. In order to promote parent involvement, the following policy has been developed.

Policy Development and Distribution

  1. The Parent Involvement Policy will be developed and approved by the campus staff and Campus Improvement Team and distributed to parents at the beginning of each school year.
  1. Parental involvement will be assessed annually and strategies to increase the level of involvement in appropriate school activities will be developed and implemented.
  1. Parents will be encouraged to provide input and suggestions for the improvement of instructional programs.


  1. Parents will be involved in campus improvement planning and decision making for instructional programs including Title I.
  1. Parent will be informed annually of campus instructional programs, including Title I and its purposes and benefits to students, through parent/student orientations, “Meet the Teacher” nights, and letters to parents.
  1. Parents, staff, and students will jointly commit to home school compacts which detail how they will share responsibility for improved student performance.
  1. Parents will be informed of student progress through:
  • Parent-Teacher conferences ( Beginning, Middle and End of Year- Required additional conference in needed)
  • Reports of district development standardized assessment results ( Beginning, Middle and End of Year)
  • School Report Card- each nine weeks
  • Benchmark Assessment- each nine weeks
  • Agendas – daily communication with the teacher


  1. Parents will be provided opportunities for school involvement including:
  • Volunteer Program*- volunteer to help school with everyday operations and special events
  • Mentor Program*- be a mentor to a child and create lasting connections
  • Fall Festival- community wide event to create awareness of Drug Free Schools
  • Campus Improvement Team- Team to review curriculum and operations of the school for effectiveness
  • Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC)- to Language Proficiency Committee Process ensure regular monitoring of ELLs’ progress and linguistic supports they receive and makes recommendations for assessments, and student placement.
  • Admission, Review and Dismissal (ARD) Committee- he letters stand for Admission, Review, & Dismissal committee. This is the name of the committee responsible for making the educational decisions for a student. The parents, or adult students, are members of the ARD committee. IEP: The letters stand for Individual Education Plan.
  • ESL Parent Education Classes- provides an opportunity for parents to learn conversational English and develop a community of learners.
  • Watch D.O.G.S.- Dad’s of Great Students* - provides easy ways to get dads involved in the school
  • Room Parents*- help teachers prepare instructional materials and assist with special events
  • Special Events
  • Field trips

*Approved background check required